Happy Player

This morning we headed over to Glasgow for a friendly game with GHA.  Accies and GHA each had three teams (of 6) at P4 level, and they swapped around so CyclopsJnr had games against all three GHA sides.  He really enjoyed himself today - did some great passing and even scored a try (and came close another time) and got at least one tackle in (although contributed to more).  At the end he and a bunch of other kids were still raring to go so a scrambled game with about 12 Accies and 6 GHA players ran for another half hour or so before everyone retreated to the clubhouse for a Scotch Pie.

We all (including Grandma) went for lunch at the National Museum for Rural Life next. We had a nice time browsing the exhibits, and took the tractor ride up to the working farm.  Highlights included being licked by a calf (again) and watching the cows getting milked. 

Afterwards CyclopsJnr used his pocket money (augmented by Grandma in recognition of kindness and excellent sportsmanship at the Rugby earlier) to buy an Agate sample with purple crystals at the shop.   

We were last at the museum just over 5 years ago - he's grown a bit since!

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