Pretty Flamingo

I've seen some super kingfisher images on here lately, but not so many flamingos. This is a bit blurry but they move so fast. I could have used a faster shutter speed but in truth I forgot to change it from the previous shot.

A quiet day.

We had our weekly Sainsbury's delivery this morning. For the first time in two years the driver phoned to say he couldn't find us. No problem I said, we are the drive where you can see three green bins (they weren't emptied on Friday). But there are green bins everywhere the driver replied. He found us eventually.

We had our weekly Skype with daughter#2. She has her engagement ring now, it looks lovely. They didn't meet up with the vicar though to discuss booking the church. He cancelled with a brilliant excuse that his niece had, unexpectedly, made it to the world gymnastics finals, so he had to go to watch her. She came last! They should meet this week. We also had a discussion about folding underwear, and Taylor Swift Christmas tree ornaments.  Apparently three are on their way to us.

One year ago:
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning! #2
So we had snow this time last year.
Our friends N&D are still renting their barn, and still trying to buy it, and selling their other new house which is now finished. They don't seem very stressed about it all, in fact they are in Australia at the moment on holiday.
We drove through Bourton a couple of days ago and the tree is nicely lit up again this year.

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