Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

The fridge flora and fauna

This little chap lives on the fridge door along with a couple of rescued plants and other random bits and pieces.  He came from Zambia, a memento of a training trip out there pre-COVID.
So why is he my 300th blip*?  That is because later today (I'm procrastinating on this one) I need to don my biohazard suit and go into the fridge to clean it.  The busy-ness of the last few weeks means I lost track of what was in there and there is some serious decomposition going on in the murky depths, but you don't want to see that. So you have these instead.
Hopefully another allotment visit tomorrow - I can work in the shed and polytunnel if the forecast is right.
*I wasn't sure I would get this far, so just want to thank those who read and respond for being such a welcoming and supportive community.  :-)

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