Saturday Silliness

We started the day with a movie, his choice, Mrs Harris Goes to Paris! 
He’s been fixated on Paris for a couple of years for some reason and he saw this movie a couple of weeks ago with someone else and really wanted to see it again haha.  It was funny and sweet and we decided that we’d try to go to Paris one day together!! ; )

Next we had lunch at the market and sat outside to eat as it was a lovely warm day.  In the bushes was this strange kangaroo keeping his beady eye on us!! 

Then we went back to the shopping centre for a look at the Black Friday sales and picked up a few bargains to go in his Xmas bag ; ) 
He had it all planned out!! Lol

Eventually we headed off to G’s for afternoon tea and sat in the sun again for that.  Then back to Julian’s for dinner and now as usual I feel like I’ve been on a long marathon or something ; ). 
Falling in a heap and wilting as I type this and will have to catch up tomorrow - thank goodness for Sundays!!! ; )xxxxx

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