
We went to see Elizabeth in her first major school play this evening. She played Scrooge's nephew in "A Christmas Carol". I have rarely seen her quite so excited about something and she performed brilliantly.
In fact it was all done very well, especially considering three cast members tested positive for Covid since last night's show and they managed to replace them without it even being obvious.
All three performances were sold out.

However the real drama happened in the afternoon when she was lucky to get to today's matinee. 
Graham arranged for her to get a lift home from cricket but not on to the play! 
Bec was down the mountain at the little kids' cricket match, I was at home and Mr isbi was working on a Bunnings sausage sizzle (with a long queue but no transport). 
Elizabeth had no phone but fortunately Bec realised what might be (not) happening. She called me, I called Mr isbi who was much closer, and he borrowed a car to get her to school for the show. 

PS. Even more drama. Just watched Australia beat Tunisia 1/0 in the World Cup. Just to be in the finals is an achievement for us, so a win is really great :-))

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