
By dreaming

A happy day

We had such a lovely Thanksgiving celebration today at Manda and Andrew's home, along with the girls' father and his wife. The food was just delicious and I had a great time playing with the boys, who are now obsessed with trucks. Their grandpa had brought a gift of four small construction vehicles and they played with them on the kitchen counter, the dinner table and the hassock.  I had the great joy of having each of them come to sit on my lap when playing at the table.  It felt so wonderful having a boy to hold and cuddle - it's been such a long time. Here you see Doug, the twins and the vehicles. That's Sam on the left and Max on the right.

In Extra you'll find a photo of our dinner, as well as a shot of the amazing sunset view to be seen from the dining room windows.  Those are the Olympic mountains standing out so clearly across the Sound.

Tomorrow I'll be getting together with Gena and Terri again, this time indoors at the Whole Foods in Lynnwood. Apparently there is an area in which patrons can sit and eat, but we will be going there early to ensure we get a seat. Also tomorrow - Lex and Doug will be flying off to Kauai for a ten day stay.  I'll miss them.

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