mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Fields of gold #2

Dandelions this time! A lot of them!
This field will be grazed by the cows with their newborn calves which are currently in the field opposite the front of my house but were too far away to get a decent shot of! All the calves were hidden or camouflaged against their mums!
There seems to be one pale brown one - the others are black like their mums. I shall endeavour to get a close up soon..
It's so windy today! I put the cardboard and plastic bottles out for recycling collection tomorrow - big mistake! I've just had to chase half of them up the lane!! I've wedged a big stone on top of the boxes now so hopefully the bin collector will have something to collect in the morning!
Too windy to try and do gardening today - too many branches blowing about!! :-)

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