Ok, I can't take full credit for this shot. My friend Adam took it as we went for a wander round the city centre tonight. I'd been snapping photos, trying to be bolder in taking photos with strangers as the primary subject and in doing so, had one particular busker comment that the autofocus light on my camera was uncomfortable on his eyes.
Feeling very embarrassed about it, and rather self conscious, I apologised profusely and decided to give him a tenner as ways of apology.
Adam took this shot of me as I headed back to give him the cash (he was holding my camera while I got money out).
All worked out in the end thankfully, he thanked me for the donation and I thanked him for being understanding, but it definitely made me consider new ways to focus my camera in public, especially at night and especially when taking street portraits...
You can see the busker in question in my extras.
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