Measure Twice, Cut Once

You would have thought that a laboratory technician, even when retired, could manage a bit of weighing, wouldn't you. But no, this one made a basic error when weighing the Bernat Klein wool.

Having battled with calculations (again, a lab tech should be able to cope...) I had made the required decisions and was preparing to make a start when I had the thought to check the exact weight of yarn available and found I was out by approximately 100% - but it's not all bad news, I have twice the amount that I thought I had. Of course this completely negated all calculations sweated over yesterday and this morning.

So I started all over again, initially attempting the first pattern again and, considering the pattern size, ditched that in favour of the second and began working out the new dimensions, finalised the decision and made a start.

Poor neglected Bramble hasn't had a look in, nor a knee to keep warm. I've managed to knit two pattern repeats so far and there's a looong way to go but, hopefully, the brain can rest awhile and allow routine to take over. I'll keep you posted... .

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