Up a Tree...

..a very high tree! (extra)

The most exciting part of today was the removal of a huge blue spruce tree in the back yard of my next-door neighbour E ( of "my gardener" fame). It was so sad to see another beautiful old tree bite the dust in our neighbourhood. We have lost a few on this street in the last couple of years..two in my yard..and it really makes a difference to the feel of the neighbourhood. 

In conversations with elected representatives in the town, my neighbour Elaine and I have expressed our concern that the town does not seem to have a "save the tree" policy..but, as E discovered, the town at least has tree removal regulations if your property is in a Heritage Conservation District! He needed a permit to remove his and if I understand him correctly, he has to now plant another to replace it.... hmmm

Interesting - The heritage boundary line goes up my driveway - he is on the heritage side of it and I am on the non-heritage side! Hence..no rules to protect my trees! 

E and his wife and I stood for a couple of hours watching the great tree removal..and in conversation, I discovered that ALAS...they will not be staying in his parents' house!  He and his wife decided not to buy out his two siblings after the death of their mom and have purchased a more appropriate home for themselves in the country on a lake about an hour and a half from here! Fabulous for them; Rats for me! There goes my gardener... and they were such good neighbours..We will miss them SO much...

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