
dochter (pronounced dawCH-ter) A dochter is a daughter: his dochter Janet.

Not a human daughter here, obviously, but one of these long-tailed tit chicks must surely be female and so will suffice to fill the definition of dochter. I did try to find a human dochter, but I felt awkward about taking pictures of strangers. I could have taken a picture of myself, as surely one of the first words applied to me must have been 'daughter'. I'm not sure if mum and dad (Cradlehall) have ever pronounced the word 'dawCH-ter', though both have gentle Nairnshire accents. It's possibly not Nairnshire dialect.

I took a good few pictures today and I would have chosen the rat if I could have, but I don't think I could have got away with it for the definition. That would have been a bit of a tangent. Fred and I went down to Weymouth so he could kayak around the Dorset coast with Dicky and Mary. It was a beautiful day. After they had paddled off into the distance, I headed off to the RSPB reserve, Radipole Lake, behind the station (so close to the town centre). I saw the rat first, stealing bread from the ducks from behind a makeshift nest of MacDonald's wrappers. I then headed into the reserve proper and saw lots of lovely birds and flowers. As I was sorting my manual focus to see the long-tailed tit chicks through the trees, a photographer passed by with his tripod and pointed me in the direction of some marsh orchids - gorgeous! There was massive fish in the wee stream, too - really massive! Unfortunately I haven't a clue as to what they were.

The photos from the day are here.

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