The Team That Wouldn't Die

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Jess is back in town! She had been away on a holiday in Bali and is looking relaxed and happy. 

She is also off her previous project which is good and bad. Good, because she wasn't getting senior management support at all. Bad because we all got along so well. 

And it was in this spirit that she, Briar and I went for lunch at a Vietnamese place and ate a lot of noodles and a lot of pork. 

Jess has always been envious that she was not part of Project Gromit. "You always looked like you were having so much FUNNNNN!!" she said. I told her it was okay and that as far as I was concerned she was part of the team NOW.

We are already planning Project Gromit activities over Xmas and well into 2023. This weird little family of ours continues to grow. 

As for Briar, she was as Briar as usual today. It is my last day in the office with her (she is away to Australia next week) and I have to say I will miss her humour very much. She told me that she was about to go into a dull meeting and needed something to think about that would make everyone think she was thinking very hard when in fact she was not.

I told her to make up a limerick for me. She came back with this:

There once was a BA called Briar,
Who wanted to set a building on fire,
She was seeing red,
So then instead,

I mean. It doesn't quite scan. But it does have that "visceral" quality that you can only achieve by writing poetry during a sh*tey meeting. It made me laugh, anyway.

I cheered her up by taking her off for ANOTHER meeting where we just sat and played "Hamilton" trivia.  

I didn't say proper goodbye to her though. Nor Jess. I simply told them I would see them both in three weeks which is when we are doing our next Project Gromit thing.

You see? Project Gromit and Team Jess. They will never really be over. 


p.s. I have no idea what they are doing in this picture. They are young people and therefore incomprehensible to me. 

p.p.s. It just occurred to me that I am older than both of these people combined. 

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