A Day at Auntie Laura's

More gales, more rain and showers and more cloudy skies.  

Up early, and popped by Laura's on my way to work.  Mam was also along too.  Another late shift in the airport, a busy day.  Our last Edinburgh flight was delayed, as they had to combine it with Kirkwall, leaving us overbooked.  A lot of shuffling of passengers and flights, we finally got everyone moving.  Feet up now. 

With big Brian and Madeline away just now, sister Laura offered to take Sammy for a few days.  I dropped him off, with plenty of time for a cuppa, or two.  He's happy to stay with Laura during the day, as he has Olly to play with.  They've had a few walkies, and many games.  Peerie Brian picked him up this evening, as I thought I was going to be late.  It was a major task to try and get them both to sit at the same time, I'll try again another day.  Laura with Olly and Sammy, Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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