Triple Caffeinated

I thought it was time I blipped the lovely folk I see on Wednesday mornings from the ES church. Although there are often more than just these 3, these are the core of the group. Each have lived here between 30 and 55 years! Each widowed with hard stories. Each with long histories with each other. Each incredibly kind and caring towards me. It's one of the few times in the week when I can just go and somewhere and be looked after, as it were! I love each one of them dearly. 
I made a big chilli fo community dinner and discussion tonight, with plenty leftover for a few friends on the streets tomorrow. 
Nate's had a hard day today...his best friend has had to return to Romania as his family can't afford to live here anymore...and his other close friend has returned to the Philippines with no idea when they'll be able to return. Poor poor Nate was pretty distraught and fell asleep on Danny exhausted by all the big emotions. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) These 3 friends opening up their circle and welcoming me in.
2) Comfort food - chilli con carne is one of my Dad's it simultaneously brought comfort and home sickness!
3) Stimulating discussion tonight around the idea of Sabbath as resistance...especially in a culture that doesn't seem to value rest or stopping.

Today's joy theme is 'Jesus';
1) I'm grateful for Jesus' radical and revolutionary example.
2) Grateful for Jesus inclusivity.
3) Grateful for the way Jesus completely changed my life from b&w to technicolour and turned my life on it's head, in a good way. 

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