
By GrahamMcArthur

Jason B

Another dime a dozen cycling coach and sports physiologist. You can find these at your local velodrome or sports institute for surprisingly little money. Jason B is cheap to feed, disease free, and is well trained in domestic duties.
Young Jase wandered in off the street one day 4-5 years ago claiming to be a cyclist who was studying sports science at the Uni and was keen to pursue coaching. You would have thought a Uni student had more sense. The short story is that Jason did his coach education and apprenticeship with me pretending to be a kind of mentor.

A couple of years later Jason is all qualified, packaged, wrapped and labelled as good to go and he somehow falls into a sport science gig at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra working with Dr David Martin, one of the worlds leading Sports Scientists. Roughly two years later, Dr Jason is back in Adelaide at the South Australian Sports Institute (SASI) doing a bit of coaching and a bit of sport science with both SASI and the AIS High Performance Cycling Program.

Being the little bugger he is, he would not stand still and I had to chase him all around the track tonight. Very low light and so he headed straight for the darkest spots in the building. I got a bucket load of blurry, poorly exposed pics. My payback is this blip. He will see and read this, and no doubt he is already plotting a suitable revenge: that is what sports scientists do. They wont admit that; they claim they do this among other things. This video was produced in Victoria - we do the real work & secret stuff here in SA :)

Jason N was a non selection today

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