I had intended doing something else for Wide Wednesday, but after a night of heavy rain, and still more this morning, I saw this when I drew back the curtains this morning - cue for a song there!

The sky was dark, but there was a little patch of blue and it reminded me of a very dear friend, who died many years ago, who always used to say when she saw blue sky amongst rather heavy clouds, “Is it enough to make a sailor a pair of trousers?”  So today, I thought about Ann and all the happy times we spent together when our children were much younger and all the years we were friends before she died and, of course, it makes a good Blip for Wide Wednesday.  

We had several jobs to do this morning including taking three boxes and a large plastic bag full of toys, jigsaw puzzles and other bric-a-brac to our favourite charity shop, DEBRA, which is the national charity for the painful, genetic skin condition, Epidermolytsis Bullosa.  The charity supports those with the skin condition and hopes, by funding research projects, they will find treatments and ultimately a cure for this very painful condition.  Mr. HCB had also sorted out some more stamps for the man who goes into the shop every Thursday, so when we handed all the stuff over, the Manager, she said that not only was she delighted with our boxes, but also with the stamps.

I could see Mr. HCB “eye-ing” the Christmas jigsaw puzzles on a shelf so although we had taken in five, he came home delighted with two Christmas-themed ones.  I guess it does keep him out of mischief when he can’t go into the garden.

We then did a few more jobs before going for a coffee - and managed to do them all without getting rained on.  Interestingly, I had an email from Thames Water, our water provided, yesterday to say, “The hosepipe ban has now been lifted, because of all the wet weather throughout the Autumn and the ground is now becoming wet enough for water to sink down into the underground sources that feed local rivers.”  They also said they are very grateful for all we have done - so I guess that means we can now wash our car - and it is looking rather  mucky - so that’s good.  However, we are still encouraged to save water - so we will keep just having 4 minute showers!

“Nothing is ever really lost to us
     as long as we remember it.”
Lucy Maud Montgomery

P.S.  As per usual, having done my Blip, I decided to look at the theme and it is “Flowing water” and I guess rain on our bedroom window could be classed as “flowing”!

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