Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Down The Plug Hole

As I took Tuesday off from the important household chores and concentrated on the garden .... ok I was sitting on a sun lounger enjoying the sunshine ... today is all go for cleaning. Really boring you might think, but no, as my addiction to blipping has improved my perspective on objects in the house.

So, when cleaning the bath, I noticed the reflections in the plug hole and light pouring through the blinds. I went and found the camera (ok I always know where it is nowadays) and took just three shots. This is the first, and one I preferred, the 2nd and 3rd I changed some settings, but went with my initial gut feeling (note to self "always go with your gut reaction first!!"!")

It's something a bit different for me so I hope you like it. Now back to the cleaning.

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