The Bass Rock

I am still not feeling fabulous.  I am either coming down with something, or I think more likely fighting something off.  I felt like I had been out partying all night.  I had not.  I had a rake around the fridge and found some vegetables that needed to be used up and made soup to see me through the week.  I also did a few loads of washing – including yesterday’s very muddy sports kit.
Late morning I went out for a walk around the block to see if it would brighten me up a bit.  I met a man carrying a Christmas tree – hopefully it will last until Christmas.
After lunch TT and I went in search of violas for the window boxes then went for a  beach walk at North Berwick.  It was my first proper outing for almost a month.  We came home via the supermarket and then TT and I collaborated on tea. The evening just disappeared.
It was quite dull when we arrived in North Berwick, but the sun did appear and lit up the Bass Rock.

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