My Little Reindeer

Jasper day today.

I had to leave early before I got blocked in by the tarmac lorry.

We headed straight over to Daughter Number 1 to help her put up a curtain pole and top of the stairs stair gate.

DN1 doesn't have a DIY bone in her body and got stressed with a few raw plugs yesterday. We got it done between us with 2 babies helping which was great.

Jasper then had a sleep on our way to his house.

After lunch we did a spot of shopping. I went to pick up my new Varifocals but they were not right at all. I need to go back next week without Jasper to see the optician again but I don't think I'll be keeping them.

Jasper was super sweet today. Very giggly, very chatty and actually sat for about half an hour next to me today. Hes not a sitter so that was great.

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