
By NightOwl45

Busy Tuesday

My flare is still ongoing. I have had a very busy day as I had a telephone appointment this afternoon and then some life admin to try and sort though, including an appointment to book in. I powered through with the aid of my electric heat pad - bless the person who invented those!

I chatted to a couple of my best friends via text and plan to rest tonight listening to music. Since the World Cup is on just now, I will have a lot more time to read and catch up on box sets.

I haven’t had the time or energy today to catch up with comments but I will make time tomorrow. I’m resigned to never fully catching up!

Today’s Blip is of a bottle of squeezable honey I bought in M&S last week - only £1.80 and really tasty. I take a spoonful of honey morning and evening, all year round. My favourite honey is Rowse but this has become a firm second favourite.

Duolingo German revision lessons done for the day - very happy to have scored 94%. 

Today’s extra is of a Facebook Memories photo that popped up today of a dog I had many years ago - Barley. 

I had to rehome him due to my health and difficult circumstances (not fibromyalgia related as I wasn’t diagnosed at that point) many, many years ago and became firm friends with his new family, they are the most lovely, kind people. I missed him terribly but had no choice at the time.

The extra is a photo they sent me seven years ago. Sadly, he had to be put to sleep last year. I loved him very much and miss him every single day. You rarely get the unconditional love you get from a dog from people.

I hope you have had a lovely Tuesday, thanks for all your comments, stars, hearts and follows :) xx

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