secret garden

By freespiral

St Bridget's Well

Probably only true holy well enthusiasts will get excited by this photo but it's been quite a day! Some time ago I was contacted  by M who lives in Bandon who has seen my blog about two holy wells in the town park which I had revealed after many years of neglect.   She lives just round the corner and never knew they were there. Well nobody did for the first time I went I couldn't find them as they were completely swamped in briars and other stuff. The second time I went I took Himself, Robert and Finola and some shears! Both wells were eventually revealed after some careful trimming - stone walls appeared but we couldn't really see what state they were in. M  contacted me again this week and said that the wells have now been revealed, would I like a look. We rendezvoused in the town park and inspected the wells  - one to the BVM and one to St Bridget. They're about five metres apart and both have curved wellhouses and are now full of water. Apparently there is also a resident frog - a good sign. M is now getting funding to try and make the site into a remembrance area - somewhere people can come and reflect, leave a message or votive if they want. She's hoping to get a  project going with a local care home and teenagers from the secondary school - both groups who had a particularly hard time of it during Covid. She envisages some careful planting - a living hedge, indigenous trees and shrubs, a sort of wildlife and quiet haven.  And she needs someone to talk about it! And she has funding. I think I said yes. 

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