In Case You Missed It

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Although our Project Gromit team chat at work is now comprised of at least 50% people who no longer work at Kainga Ora* the team spirit continues. 

Corrie messaged the group this morning to say that she missed our faces, and Briar replied as above.

Briar is a bit of a character.

She and I went for a walk today and got smoothies on the way back. The Wellington wind got the best of her and she disappeared in a BOOF of hair. 

"This is my life. This is who I am," she said, with the wind whipping around her face. "I am literally EATING my own hair," she continued.

Then she remembered something. 


Her news is that she did indeed get the permanent job she was hoping for. This makes me really happy. She deserves it. She is an excellent BA. 

Also, heaps of BONKERS fun.

Speaking of which I also went for coffee with Ellie. I miss Ellie. Now that she has a team she is ultra-busy most of the time. But she made time for me and we had a fun chat as always. 

"OMG period rage, Symon!" she told me. 

Look. You know what I am like. This sort of chat is nothing new to me. 

The rage caused her to drink an inordinate amount of whisky on Sunday, she explained. She is on a diet, so she figured the calorie-content would be low. 

Unfortunately, the alcohol-content was quite HIGH and she ended up blootered. At which point her diet went out of the window and "F*CK IT! CHOCOLATE!" as she put it. 

Some kind soul had recently brought her some Curly-Wurlys from the UK. This is significant because, although we HAVE Curly-Wurlys in Aotearoa, they are TINY compared with their British cousin.

So Ellie ate an enormous UK Curly-Wurly.

"It's good," she thought. "But when it is cool it takes quite a lot of effort to chew."

Ellie is an enterprising sort, and figured if she could find a way to HEAT the Curly-Wurlys, then the chocolate delivery system would be that much more efficient. 

"So I put them one on my chest," she explained. "Then when it was good and warm I just sort of mashed it into a BALL of caramel and chocolate goodness and STUFFED it in my mouth."

This is while she was drinking and also composing snooty work emails to people who annoy us**. 

I had the mental picture of Ellie chewing and typing and drinking and heating Curly-Wurlys in my head. It was hard not to spit out my coffee.

"But THEN," she added, "it was SO good that I did another. AND ANOTHER..."

Apparently AJ came to bed later that night to find Ellie in a pile of empty Curly-Wurly wrappers. "About six of them," she confessed.

Oh and her UK source also managed to get her some salt and vinegar Hula-Hoops. We can get the ready salted and barbecue variety here but not salt and vinegar.

"So I put them on my fingers like rings and ate those too," she added proudly. 

I mean. Understandable. Pretend jewellery is the ONLY way to eat Hula-Hoops, as we all know. 

She sighed. "I put all the calories into my diet app," she told me. "Every four weeks there's a BLOOP when the calorie count shoots up."

But we both decided EFF IT. If chocolate makes you happy when you are suffering with period rage, then just go with it. 

So after fun chat, we got back to the office where Briar made me take a "What Disney Princess Are You?" quiz. 

Consequently, it was a fun day. And I am glad I did not miss it.


* Shortly to go up by one. 

** I need to talk about the person who annoys us. I will get to this before the end of the week. 

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