Give Me a Big Cheesy Grin

This little guy has grown a bit, and tonight I said, "hey J, get behind those pretty flowers and give me a big cheesy grin!" So he ran behind them and this is what he gave me. You have to take what you get with him because he never stays in one place long. He's a treasure!

There are so many opportunities in life to grow, aren't there? There are equally as many opportunities to get more and more entrenched in those awful stuck places we get into when everything we try seems to fail. A wise trainer once said, "when you get stuck and nothing's working, do anything different". Sometimes, it's just determining that we simply are not willing to stay stuck, but admitting we can't do any differently and praying that God guide us out of that stuck place because we absolutely must have His help.

Our mission is not that we learn to do things in a way that nothing will ever slow us down, interrupt us, or ruin our plans, but, rather that we continue to grow in grace and love while things slow us down, interrupt us and ruin our plans.

If we accomplish our goals at the expense of all others, we have failed to accomplish anything at all.

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