My Life With Luna

By chrisA

After a disturbed night's sleep and rain first thing we went out for our walk later this morning when the sun put in an appearance and there was some blue sky.
I was woken at 1.30 this morning to knocking at the front door, all the security lights on and Luna laying next to me growling.   I got up and saw movement near the porch, so gingerly opened the door and a chap tried to hand me a red box that contained a fast food delivery !!   In no uncertain terms I told him where to go and quickly shut and locked the door.    He obviously had the wrong address and was ages sitting in his car with the engine running and full headlights (on my neighbours drive) before driving off.   With the adrenaline kicked in it was some time before I fell asleep again.
I spoke to my neighbour this morning and she didn't hear a thing!!

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