Subdued Sunday

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Jefe and Manda emerged from their bedrooms about three hours after I wrote my entry yesterday. 

I could hear them moving around, so ordered stodgy breakfasts all round. 

"Oh my god THANK YOU!" said Jefe upon receiving eggs, bacon and coffee. 

I also gave him a Berocca. "Chug it!" commanded Manda. 

But actually he seemed pretty good, considering. They had a good sleep and we half-watched, half-chatted through "Machete Maidens Unleashed!" a documentary about B-movies from the Philippines. 

I was surprised by how many Manda had seen. She explained she used to flat with a woman who worked in a sex shop and they rented a lot of "women in jungle hellhole prison" movies with Pam Grier in them. 

"Some of them were pretty good," claimed Manda. "If you were stoned," she added.

We then played a game that was the favourite of the pair and Jefe's son Quentin* back in Florida. 

You name an actor, next person has to name a movie, next person has to name a different actor from the same movie (no repetition allowed) and the game continues on. If anyone gets stuck then it goes BACK to the previous person so THEY have to prove they can name a movie/other actor.

It was the perfect game for a lazy morning over coffee and took us on a lot of random tangents. 

After they left I napped a lot and did a great deal of nothing. Cats came and went, food was had. The rain pelted down and I felt good about life. 


* After Jefe's favourite director.

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