
By dunkyc


Thank goodness it’s Friday!

It has been a long, hard, remorseless grind of a week. I have a large renewal that I am trying to secure in the face of strong competition, which has taken up lots of time of late and has necessitated the engagement of my wider team, but has delivered a positive result in the form of a large saving for our client. 

Presented with that good news against the current backdrop of the current economic climate, you could be forgiven for assuming that the client would be pleased or appreciative of the outcome. Instead, they seem genuinely annoyed that we’ve been able to come up with something so good! There’s even been some rather unpleasant things said - I can take most things in my stride, but having my honesty and integrity questioned is a big no-no - to the point of which I’ve had to bite my tongue (almost clean through), but my boss has been great and the new big boss has even questioned whether these are people we want to do business with, so if they do elect to go somewhere else (I’ll find out Monday) I don’t think I’ll be hauled over the coals for any failure on my part.

Sadly, dearest blippers, that is what has been dominating my small brain of late and has left precious little time or space for much else like focussed blipping - I’ve even been into the office TWICE this week. TWICE!

It was nice to have a day back working from home today with no meetings to attend and only a particularly petulant call to answer from the client in question, I was free to have a brew from my favourite mug and the ultimate mid-afternoon treat.

It all set me up nicely for an evening with LadyV to install a curtain rail at her mum’s new place followed by some celebratory Chinese food and a much needed snuggle in front of some trashy TV.

Nice to see you, Friday…WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!

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