Lala's Journal

By Lala

Night sky

I can see it now!
I met up with some ex LC ladies for lunch today. I’m not sure how I feel about it. They were all good friends, but we’ve all moved on and with the exception of one, had very different lives since last time we met. One’s husband has developed dementia, one has her son, daughter in law and four children now living with her, and one has lost her mum, and has had a breakdown of sorts, and is still off work. And I am not who I used to be. We chatted and caught up but, I felt kind of separate. I don’t think they felt it, they came back for tea after lunch, but I just felt odd! As one son put it, still better than roaming the house all afternoon on my own, and they had all travelled to me when it would have been easier for all of them if I had gone to them. 
I am just feeling strange the last couple of days.

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