The unplanned route

An unexpected route today. First thing I took the dogs for a brief walk across the fields. Then B came over. I had this ‘bright idea’ of going to Snitterfield farm shop and café and then to link up on ‘the Monarch’s Way’ walking trail. From there to Wooten wawen. We had cake and coffee first of all. Then got the dogs out of the car ready for their walk. It was very busy in the car park, lots of cars and people. All too much for Sid. He got into panic mode and we didn’t get far. So then we decided on an old favourite down by Wooten wawen canal. So that is what we did. It was a beautiful sunny day and the canal was very pretty with autumn colours and reflections. Sid gained his confidence again and we had a lovely walk. We finished off by having a meal at ‘the View’. An excellent day out, if slightly not the expected plan happening.

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