Doggy Cousins

I arrived home last night but sadly my luggage didn’t. They’ve tracked it to Frankfurt and say it will be delivered Sunday. I do hope so as I fly to Paris on Tuesday and need my stuff!

Anyway, back into routine mode today with an early morning dog walk round Linhouse Circular. I then headed to Parkrun and was feeling surprisingly chipper and made it round the 5km in 22:49 which I’m happy with.

Back home and MrsT was away to her fitness class and L was getting ready to go down the shops with a friend from gymnastics.

My sister came up in the afternoon and MrsT and her took the dogs for a walk and they had such great fun playing nonstop. They get on great.

It’s our niece N’s 19th birthday today. She’s getting a bit old for birthday tea’s but we’ll try and pop in later to see her.

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