I look at clouds that way
After yesterday's unending rain, it was a real boon to see blue sky once more. It isn't apparent from this photo but the clouds were in two layers. The lower layer was moving east while the upper layer was heading west.
Market then Finkins for a delicious cheese toastie with caramelised onion chutney.
Everybody seemed quite jolly. Marie, the cheese lady still hasn't got her van back.
Minor panic this afternoon when Len, despite having been told not to, entered financial detail on a website claiming to sell tablets that would restore his memory. On the phone to Sainsbury's for 40 minutes plus to get his card cancelled. I've threatened to confiscate it another time. Whatever the transaction was, it hadn't got through to the card company.
An evening out tonight for a quiz at the Bowls Club which will be held in honour of Edna who died of a massive heart attack last Friday.
Addendum: I fell on the concrete path outside the Bowls Club. I'd not long started walking on just one stick and my feet were sliding around in my slippers. Two strong men came out and lifted me to my feet. I didn't feel any particular pain so didn't send for an ambulance, although I should have done.
Bumped into Adele at the market who had been in Shepshed for a funeral. Her son John seems quite content in the job that he's had for ten years. Her husband Brian is about to undergo a knee replacement on his other knee. He'd resisted the first one for ages choosing instead to wear a special metal brace.
As we were about to leave Finkins, Brian and Maureen turned up. I hadn't seen them in ages. Glad to say that Brian looks hale and hearty and is still enjoying his photography.
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