in the forest

Up on the forest tracks on Steilston Hill this morning with Fiona, Carolyn, Jess, Archie and wee Rufo. It wasn't easy getting them to pose for a photo - this is the best I could do.

My extra shows some "Star Jelly" which was in the middle of the path near the top of the hill. This is interesting stuff, as there is no real agreement about what it actually is, or where it comes from. Old folklore says that it falls to earth during meteor showers, and guess what ? We are just at the peak of the Leonids right now! Analysis has found fungal strands, frog DNA and bacteria, and there have been suggestions that it is the undigestible oviducts of amphibians spat out by predators...or perhaps a slime mould...or some alien organism..

you decide!

Have a good weekend, everybody :-)

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