Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Today was a busy one...

Isaac slept from 9.30 until 3.30 in his cot and then from 4 until 7 when Amelie came through, just before Chris' alarm went off. I fed Isaac whilst Chris showered and then sat him in his bouncy chair whilst I went for a shower. He was happy in there until I sat down with breakfast, predictably. Anyway Chris went off to work and we got ready to go to the baby clinic to have Isaac weighed. It is roughly a 30 minute walk there, made longer today by the discovery of hundreds of snails! The rain and mild weather had brought them out in force. Amelie felt the need to tap every one on its shell, which slowed our journey considerably. Nevertheless, we eventually got there (after she discovered a garden full of tulips too, and didn't understand why she couldn't go and sniff them all) and we were seen right away. Isaac now weighs 12lb 7.5oz. So in 8 weeks he has gained just under 5lb. I'm not obsessive about weight, Amelie was slow to gain and I ignored the pressure to put her onto formula, but can't help but be pretty chuffed with that! I also wonder what is different this time and feel that perhaps it just goes to show that every child is different, and will grow differently. So no need for all these silly growth charts and percentiles.

I practically dragged Amelie home, away from the snails, and we had lunch quickly before it was time for nursery. We were a bit late so I practically dragged her there too! No matter how fast or slow I walk, she is always three steps behind me. After I dropped her off we came back and I did a quick tidy before sitting down with a cup of tea and some recorded programmes on tv. Chris was home shortly afterwards as he is going onto nights so he sat with Isaac and I hoovered, polished and put the sofa covers back on. Removable, washable sofa covers are a blessing with small pukey babies and large messy children!

Chris collected Amelie for nursery and I took Isaac for his first set of immunisations and 8 week check. All is fine and the Dr said he is a gorgeous baby! I'm biased, she said, but she isn't. He wasn't at all happy having his injections, he wriggled so much he ended up bleeding everywhere. I popped him back in the sling where he drifted off whilst I made the appointment for next time.

We met Chris and Amelie to do a bit of a shop en route home and then headed back where Isaac sort of enjoyed a bath, had his first taste of calpol and then snuggled in for a sleep on me for the rest of the evening. Amelie was asleep pretty quickly too after her epic walking today.

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