The Gentle Rain

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Don't get me wrong. I love the sun as much as the next person. I like how happy it makes everyone, and sitting on the grass in dappled light under a tree, and hanging out with mates in seats outside a cafe, and sucking down a mango smoothie, and watching cats roll around on a hot deck. 

But that is secondary to a cool summer rain. Large, tubby raindrops smacking onto the roof with a satisfying plip-plap. 

It does something to my mood. I do not know why. 

It might be related to a time back in 1986 when I remember sitting in bed reading* at about 10am in the morning. 

I had to have the lights on because the skies were so black outside. I had a cup of tea and some toast and a cat. 

And I remember putting down my book and feeling truly, truly happy. Just a feeling of well-being came over me and I wasn't entirely sure why, but I luxuriated in it. 

And that is how I feel every time I have experienced the rain from then on. It never fails to calm my mind and make me smile. 

It's odd I know, but it is me. 


* It was the novelisation of the movie "Aliens" so if you were thinking it was something to do with the book I have to say I think this is unlikely. 

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