Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton

Jacobs ladder

This is Jacobs ladder in Oban, it leads from behind George street to Ardconnel terrace at the top of the hill near McCaigs tower. It is a staircase that goes up the cliff.

I do not know why it has this name but it is steep and long, what you see here is less than half of the staircase. It has balconies at intervals from which you can get a view over the town and the distillary. These balconies have benches in case you feel in need of a rest or to ponder the view. It is not a place I would frequent at night as it always used to have different inhabitants in the dark.

It is a place I would often use when I was at school in Oban and in my energetic youth I could be seen running up here in my lunch time while in training for the local cross counrty event but that was a long time ago.

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