Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Kitties: Day 6

Mum went away to grab a nibble from the bowls in the hal so we took our chance to blip - The Craig person was away out at work today so we got a bit of peace from him.

He got one of us as a birthday present from the whole family, he has yet to choose - He better make a good slave to whichever of us he chooses. He is a little unbearable at the moment as he is all hyper about his amazing present from the Erin human (The sensible one that seems to be in charge of the house, after our mum of course). She got him tickets to go see Green Day play at something called the "Reading Festival". Hopefully he shall come back to earth soon and we can decide if he is a good enough slave for our liking - Just now he keeps telling Erin how she is the most amazing girlfriend ever - And having been around them for 6 days now we can vouch that she is.

Anyways, still awfully dark round here - The boy kitten is trying to explore the bed we're in more and more, the little girl is having "sibling" issues when it comes to feeding time - Sure we will sort ourselves out soon, mum says all this darkness is worth it as when we can see we can aim better with our claws (At least thats what we think mummy called the pointy bits on our paws).

Speak soon blippers x

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