On My Way Into Choir Practice......

I don't usually take my camera with me to choir practice, but I still didn't have my blip for the day, so I took it with me just in case I should see something blip-worthy.  As we were making the relatively short drive to church, I kept seeing the setting sun and the clouds and hoping there would be something I could capture. We pulled into the parking lot and I realized that the sunset was on the wrong side of me and mostly obscured by buildings.  But, as I turned away from the sunset, I saw these beautiful clouds behind the steeple and knew that I had found my shot for the day!  Now you know that I didn't only take one shot and call it good, but this one was my favorite.......I know it doesn't fit the Wide Wednesday challenge, but it is a wider shot than I would ordinarily use, so I am tagging it for Wide Wednesday in general......

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