Run about time

I didn't get any run about time yesterday so Ann promised me that whatever happened I would get run about time today. Ann was working 11-3 today so I had my first thing in the morning walk to Morningside Park. Morningside Park isn't really that interesting because we walk in one entrance and go out the other, so I only get about 5 mins of run about time there.

By the time she gets home from work it's already starting to get dark. So do you know what she did to make sure she kept her promise, and I got my run about time?............................ She popped me in the car and took me up Blackford Hill. That meant that for the whole of the time I was out of the car, I was off my lead and could run about as much as I wanted.

By 3.30pm it was really cold, so I had to do very speedy running about just to keep warm. Ann is going out tonight and she's thinking that she might have to put her gloves on for the first time this year.


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