Brighton beach

What a day of weather in Brighton with heavy rain and gales this morning. We delayed leaving the hotel until mid day only then venturing as far as a coffee shop by the station

By the end of the coffee the rain had passed and the clouds broken leaving squally showers sun and strong winds to paint some aggressive seas and impressive skies, especially from the pier.

We’ve walked miles today, along Marine Parade where plans are afoot to restore the terrace and improve the area especially towards the marina. Already a new walkway across the shingle towards the eastern end has made access much easier. In addition areas of shingle have been closed off, protected and planted with native coastal vegetation. It’s looking very promising.

Bellowhead were their expected exuberant selfs with a mixture of songs from their latest album together with several older crowd pleasers which had the whole audience jogging, bouncing, clapping and cheering.

There was a fitting and moving tribute to the late Paul Sartin with a recording of him singing the vocals of one of his own songs with the band harmonising and accompanying the song. We were worn out but ecstatic by the end, I wonder where they find the energy and what they feel like at the end?

There will be some momentous news in tomorrow’s blip.

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