Bedside cabinet

Bed does not figure much in my life other than as a place I long to be able to sleep, which doesn't happen nearly as much as I should like, but over the past few days I've been lying down whenever possible and despite my general exhaustion I have occasionally not fallen asleep, so it has assumed unusual significance in my days. I've been intending to read The Handmaid's Tale for about thirty-five years, and J bought it from my Christmas wish list a couple of years ago; I have been trying to catch up with some of my half-read non-fiction books since I finished Summer, the last of Ali Smith's seasonal quartet, but I knew I needed an engrossing story, and this has engaged me from the first sentence. I have not seen the film or the television series, and although I was aware of the premise I don't know the story, so it's new and gripping. I've not got far yet, but it will make me want to stay awake at bedtime.

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