
By tourist

Mate 09

Define a "mate"?

I am asking this because i wondered if a "mate" is different to different people. The people that probably did the graffiti seen here are younger and more hip than i am, so i wondered if their definition of "Mate" was a bit cooler than mine is.

While walking along the narrow footpath along the Canal in Edinburgh to take this photograph there was a couple of 13-15 year old boys speeding along in their black scooter. I thought, is this a very "Mate" thing to do? Is nearly knocking down a young adult with a camera such a "Mate" thing to do?

Would i have been a "mate" to the rest of the people on the footpath if i was to stick my arm out in the hope the person on the bike would swerve and crash into the water?

As i made my way back home i had a decision to make, should i walk along the canal path? or the park path for a wee bit?. My decision was to take the park path to see if i could find better bliportunities and here i found my "Mate" 09. This very rough looking guy with his even rougher looking dog said "Hello" as i was walking past him to which i replied "Hi". He proceeded to engage in a conversation with me asking in a very melodramatic voice "have you seen todays news paper???". He continued "the sister of the guy in hospital is going to tell the police everything about maddie mckay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Being a bit scared here i responded with "oh really, that's a bit interesting isn't it?", at this moment we both parted company.

I love this city.

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