More super weather

When I looked at the forecast for Madeira before I set off, it didn’t look wonderful. There were a few days with rain forecast etc, but that is normal as they can’t be too sure of the island climate very far in advance.

Yesterday and today have been stunning. Glorious blue skies, pretty clouds, and temperatures around 24 degrees or so.

From previous years you may remember that the walk from Funchal out to Praia Formosa is one of my regular ones. There are some steep bits but it’s gorgeous.

I’ve worked out a way to avoid the steepest of climbs without missing the delights of the Magic Tearoom or the Zarco statue.  I was pushing myself this morning, but pausing to read a bit, or rest a bit, I was glad that I could enjoy it without heading for a bus.

As far as I’m aware, I don’t know anyone here this week - so my agenda, and my mind are open and free.

Dolphins and whales perhaps, another jeep safari ? 
Relaxing ?
More music ? 
Or shopping, if it rains.

Part of the magic……..

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