Mine's a Large One
Mine's a large one.. a very large one..and you get the LOOK!
Set off for an RSPB reserve in the Forest of Dean and after 2 Hides including an embarrassing incident with Tilly and other walkers decided to call it a day with not a shot being fired. Wending my way back I clocked this chap in the lake not too far distant for a lens and whipped the car wheel round, gravel chips flew at this point, into a lay-by.
Too good to be true ..still there after I shut the car door, still there after I crossed the road and blow me still there after I hid behind a tree and took a few wobbly shots!...... and you have to....with no-one around ........... hit the deck! Crawled to the edge of the lake where he was possibly 30/40 feet away swapped the kit over and started taking the closest shots I ever have of cormorants. Spreadeagled ... flattened cross the path I was vaguely aware of a couple stepping over me at one point. It got better in that I crawled down the slight bank of the lake with kit and he was STILL there. Brilliant.
Spookily after I had got what I thought were ok shots I started talking to him..oh and he was listening..no doubt ...as he had followed my progress right from the off! 'Ok are we going to go fishing, move a bit, come on aren't you bored with the posing..?" He did and I missed it - got a lot of water..:)) Serves me right!
It will crop closer but I thought it might put everybody off their tea :))
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