Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

"It’s Paul", says Ann.

Or rather: It’s Paul Cezanne. At Tate Modern. Massively popular of course. One of those exhibitions where the middle classes show they can be as rough as anyone else when it suits them and deploy sharp elbows and heavy handbags to good effect. 

I’ve loved Cezanne since I was in my early twenties. The touchstone between two artistic movements. The bridge between nature and geometry. Better with apples than Isaac Newton and better with the blues than B.B.King (they’ve identified 16 different shades of blue in his works). This is a real end to end exhibition, so you see how his artistic style evolved (and how it influenced those who came later such as Picasso). Marvellous.

They’ve opened a new members room in the East Wing with spectacular views over the river and in particular The Globe. Their vegan food offering however remains rubbish so we just had a drink. I must say the reproduction Shakespearean theatre looks like it needs a bit of work on the roof but the view is a crowd pleaser.

We dropped in to the Old Vic on the way down The Cut and spontaneously bought tickets for A Christmas Carol next week. So exciting. 

14,000 steps was a good tally for a trip out. Plus I didn’t eat too badly. So all in all a good day.

PS did you know there are dozens of alternative words and phrases for an exclamation mark, one of which is "a dog’s dick"? Amazing what you learn doing crosswords.

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