Safari animals

I nearly forgot to take a photo today…..on Mondays we pick up the grandchildren from school and today when we got to their house they were excitedly showing us their new bedrooms in the loft conversion. Up to now they have been sharing a bedroom. 
This is a blip of some models they had made, by themselves, from pressing out parts from the book. It was also good to hear them read about the animals from the text. Several points for discussion….
It said lions only hunt at dusk. I have seen them hunting in the  day!
Also it said that leopards sleep for at least 16 hours a day…this prompted discussion about how long our elderly dog sleeps per day! And their cat! 
Also the bird on the back of the rhino is an oxpecker.
We also discussed the different types of diet…carnivorous v vegetarian for the rhino and zebra and collective terms..pride of lions( a new term for them) .

Prior to that we had a very very very tedious appointment at a bank in Kingston. It lasted one and a half hours…..we had to watch a video and then had to have the same thing read to us. Awful. I felt sorry for the young man who was following head office instructions which were ridiculous and condescending. I will be giving feedback!!

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