B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Chaos to Clean

Growing up Kaylee would ask Meme to come over and help with cleaning her room. Now, at 21, it’s still the same. She needed to purge and “needed moral support”. So, meme came over, sat on the floor and helped her organize, donate and clean. I was happily working at my desk with the dog, and was asked to come in for even more moral support. I think it’s clear that dog and I really played a small role in the overall project. But, it’s done and she’s thrilled. It’s not like it was cluttered and messy to begin with, just packed with clothes and “stuff”.

The donated clothes, all 7 garbage bags of them, went to neighbors of Meme. Two girls about Kaylees size. They were thrilled to receive and Kaylee was happy to give.

The two bags full of garbage have been moved to the garage for pick up day. And the entire room has been dusted and vacuumed.

It was a bit of chaos for a while there but it’s done and she’s happy with the outcome.

P.s. dog and I didn’t stay long, it was too chaotic and space became very limited.

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