
By SuffolkBumble

Juggling activities

Bank Holiday Monday was a busy one. It began with another 10k, a hilly one on quite rough tracks in Ashdon where I ran a decent 43.18. Happy with that and happy with the entire weekends worth of running. Although we stayed for the obligatory burger and cakes, I had to leave quite early so that I could rush home and speed my way to the train station to join in Stef's birthday celebrations in London town.

The afternoon was lovely. We just chilled out in the sun, threw a variety of balls, had a couple of drinks, ate a little and relaxed. A perfect way to spend a Bank Holiday Monday afternoon. The picture is Stef, fresh from trying to teach people how to juggle, showing off his juggling abilities by ignoring the need for things of a similar weight and juggling a Rounders ball, a bit of tin foil and a cork.

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