
By Legacy

New Lens/Begonia

Well, I had to try it out on something and I didn't have time to get creative. I had to do some emergency planting of some things I bought two weeks ago that needed to be put in their pots before they died of neglect, so when I got home from work and found a package on my doorstep from B&H Photo I had to put aside my impulse to go looking for small objects or creatures to snap with my new (refurbished -- Piggy didn't cough up enough for a new one) macro lens. I did take a minute to snap one of the begonias I planted. I couldn't find any little critters except a big spider which I ignored because if I macro a big spider I'll lose my blip-buddy Mary Jo who does not take kindly to spiders either in real life or photos.

I'm not sure I understand how this lens works and this quote from it's little manual doesn't help one bit: "When mounted.....the lens' picture angle becomes 26 degrees 30' and its 35 mm equivalent focal length is approx. 90 mm." Okay then.

I'm inclined to not worry about it. I think I'll just aim and shoot and see what happens.

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