Open Wide Incoming !

Well this was my wide angle lens that I used for this capture today to capture both Forth Bridges it feels like you are being pulled into the narrow section of the bridges on the North side It was a lovely day around the East today and was probably nice all over actually I had a nice Costa latte in the morning sitting in the garden before hanging out the washing then I had a guy at the door looking to do some gardening work so I told him my rear garden was fine as it has an artificial lawn and was mainly maintenance free he said what about the front he charges a tenner an hour so it is roughly a couple hours at most so I said if you come any day next week that will be fine he said great I will see you this Thursday DUH I said no next week he then asked do you have tools I said yes and what tools do you have I said well don't you have any yourself it says on your card over twenty years experience well I thought to myself well hang on your advertising to do the gardening work don't you have your own tools and then I thought to myself again maybe I should charge you to hire mine out at a tenner an hour but being the guy I am I relented as he probably is maybe not in the fortunate position I am so he is coming Thursday when it is forecast to be pouring I also forgot to tell him that where all the weeds are coming through my Forrest bark is where Pepe covers his dumps lol rather the gardener than me this time but you would think if your going to advertise yourself to do work you have the tools that you require strange but there you go my good deed for the day, anyway back to my day well two trips to Glasgow for me today the first went pretty much to plan as when we arrived on my first trip I went into the Chinese Buffet outside the station to get my takeaway tub it was a choice of the 3.50 box or the 4.50 box so I went Large so I stuffed my tub with rice,noodles and an array of meats and with a little help from a couple of diners I asked for a group hug standing on the lid to pack it all in it was off back to Edinburgh where I warmed it up and scoffed the lot well I was starving then I had one of these huge Belgian chocolate teacakes from Costa that is the size of a cowpat but it was scrummy then some wee buggers put a bike on the line at Newington on my return from Glasgow on my second trip where me and my female Train manager were having to lay down to yank at the remains of the bike to free it from the wheels and bogie after getting the opposite line blocked then forms to be filled in at the end of shift for this operating incident making me late so not a happy chappy but anyway that was my day movie for the day has to be "Bicycle Thieves 1948" PS: I have two hours in Dundee tomorrow but I think heard that Senga from my blip two days ago her man Boabby arrives back from sea so It may have to be my Archie and Boabby visit to the pub skit tomorrow although it will be posted late. See Ya

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