
By KCNQ2Haiku

Still more Felix seeds!

Twin seeds share a pod, 
one pink, one rust.  Partners.
What will they become?

How many photos of my magnolia seeds are too many??  Maybe don't answer that.. I promise no more.  The last pod burst today revealing the seeds inside and I'm just finding it too compelling :-D  Especially these little twin ones, slightly different colours, small but perfectly formed. 
Anyway, Friday.  That's good.  Ben had a satisfactory day at school, they toasted marshmallows over a camp fire.  He came back with that woody burnt smell and was very happy.  School nailed it with the insulin too, they didn't consult with me but carb counted the marshmallows so he could join in with his peers and his blood sugars remained really stable.  A little win.
Did a bit of governor stuff in the morning, spoke to my Mum, wrote a letter (get me with my 1950's tendencies!) and managed to get out for lunch with Mr KCNQ2Haiku, so that was a lovely treat. 
Right Ben's watching a cooking programme called Eat Well for Less, so I'm going to go and see what he's discovered!
Happy weekend to all.

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