Brownie mix...

In a jar! Sarah gave me this for my birthday. Only she knows me so well, she bought me two because she knew as soon as she saw the jars that I'd not want to use it! And she wanted brownies! They are quite possibly the best brownies I have ever had. Sadly the lady who puts these together wasn't for parting with her recipe. I can't say I blame her really but I'm already wondering whether I can figure out the quantities as I empty the jar... naughty!

Back to work... I managed to (a) get out of bed before my four pre-booked alarm calls and (b) not fall asleep at my desk which I'm calling a result! I got through quite a lot too and didn't go in to the usual 500 emails which is a bonus. Maybe tomorrow I shall be up early enough to walk in.

I'm having a weekend of hermit time in three days and I can't wait for some me time. Having friends over is ace but I feel the urge to be alone and just potter.

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